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What to bring when traveling with pets

What to Bring When Traveling With Pets?

If you're planning to travel with your pet, there are a few things you need to bring along. In this post, we will list everything you'll need to keep your pet safe and comfortable on your trip. 

Necessary documentation
Make sure you have all of your pet's necessary documentation with you when traveling. This includes a copy of their rabies certificate, proof of vaccinations, and any other applicable paperwork like information on emotional support dogs.

If your pet is crossing state lines or entering Canada, they will also need to have a health certificate from a veterinarian. These documents will help you avoid any trouble with border control.

If you're traveling by air, be sure to check your airline's pet policy before booking tickets. Some airlines have a weight limit for pets traveling in the cabin, and some only allow pets in the cargo hold if they are sedated.

Toys and play sets
Your pet will probably be a lot more comfortable if they have some of their favorite toys with them. Make sure to pack a few interactive playsets too, so your pet can get some exercise while on the road.

Pets can also get bored easily, so be sure to bring along plenty of food and water as well. A travel bowl and food dispenser will come in handy.

If you're flying with your pet, be sure to pack an extra bag just for them. This will keep all of their belongings together and make it easier to transport them through the airport.

Make sure to bring any medications your pet may need, as well as a first-aid kit in case of emergencies.

Pet carrier
If your pet is traveling in the cabin with you, they will need to be in a carrier. The carrier should be big enough for your pet to stand up and turn around in, but not too large or heavy that it becomes difficult to move around.

Carriers should have a secure latch and plenty of ventilation so your pet can breathe easily.

If your pet is traveling in the cargo hold, they will need a sturdy carrier that can stand up to rough handling. The carrier should also be labeled with your pet's name and contact information.

Make sure to pack some bedding for your pet, as well as a few toys to keep them entertained.

Identity tags
Your pet should always wear an identification tag when traveling. This will help ensure that if they get lost, they can be quickly returned to you.

Be sure to include your contact information on the tag, as well as any other important details like your pet's name and breed.

You can also have your pet microchipped for extra security. If your pet is lost and found by animal control, they can scan the chip and get in touch with you immediately.

Pet-friendly accommodations
Not all hotels and motels accept pets, so it's important to do your research before booking accommodations. There are a number of websites that list pet-friendly places to stay, or you can call the hotel directly and ask about their policy. 

If you're staying in a place that doesn't allow pets, you may need to consider boarding your pet. Boarding facilities can be expensive, but it's a better option than leaving your pet behind.

Make sure to pack a copy of the boarding facility's policy in case there are any problems. 

Traveling with pets can be a lot of work, but it's definitely worth it to have them by your side. When traveling with pets, it's important to be prepared for anything. 

By packing these essential items, you can rest assured that your pet will be safe and comfortable during the trip.

Photo by @rrinna from Pexels

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