Multinational aviation and tourism management expert starts official representation of the Chilean Tourism national service in this Latin American country.
BUENOS AIRES – Aviareps starts to work with a new destination client in Argentina. The Munich-based group with offices in 38 countries has won the representation of the Tourism sector of Chile in the areas of Marketing and Public Relations.
Jessica Canelo, Marketing Manager of Turismo Chile for the Argentinean market comments: “In 2013, Turismo Chile renewed its representations abroad to empower Chile recognition, improve its image and increase the number of visitors. According to statistics, Argentineans accounts for 70% of the visitors who arrive to Chile every year”.
Micaela Poole, Aviareps Sales Manager in Argentina, sees great potential to position the vacation destination Chile in the Argentinean market. “To represent Turismo Chile in our country is an honor for us. There are many reasons to visit Chile, from its natural sceneries, food and wine to sports and adventure experiences”, she mentions some of the advantages of the country.