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Simon Kuestenmacher, Director & Co-founder of the preeminent social data analytics advisory service The Demographics Group will be presenting his

In a survey of 500 industry members, ATEC reveals 49% of respondents believe New Zealand will be the first international

Australia’s $45bn export tourism industry has already been battered by January's bushfires which were closely followed by the closure of

ATEC is sincerely saddened by the loss experienced by so many communities and while Australian tourism industry is full of

The International Visitor Survey (IVS) results which measure the results year-on-year and month-on-month for March 2014, reveal the Chinese market

ATEC and Tourism Australia both played tribute to the work and efforts made by Business Events Sydney in securing the

Melbourne Airport continues to show industry leadership in undertaking innovative planning and an aggressive approach to growth which will be

In a time where Australia’s tourism industry is facing fierce international competition and the pressure of a high dollar, our
