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Fraport Group

Passenger numbers grow across the Group, Revenue and Group EBITDA exceeding 2019 levels. Net profit reaches 357.0 million euros.

Operating result (EBITDA) more than doubles to 158.3 million euros. Business boosted by passenger recovery in the first quarter.

LAP’s airport expansion is strategically significant for Lima, Peru and South America, as well as for the international aviation industry.

Fraport sees dynamic passenger growth. Group revenue rises noticeably (up 66.3 percent), buoyed by rapid growth in Frankfurt and at

Fraport Group airports worldwide also maintain upward trend.

During the first half of 2021, FRA served some 6.5 million passengers. Compared to the same six-month period in 2020

Operating expenses reduced by about one third – Group achieves balanced operating result (EBITDA) – Group result (net profit) clearly

Revenue and earnings grow despite difficult framework conditions.

Passenger traffic rises at Frankfurt Airport and across Fraport's Group airports worldwide - New daily record of 237,966 passengers achieved

Revenue and EBITDA increase significantly; Group result on the rise. Frankfurt Airport and Fraport Group airports record strong passenger growth.
