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On visa facilitation, UNWTO Secretary-General Taleb Rifai stressed that restrictive visa issuance policies and complicated entry formalities are still stifling

The carbon management certification programme was launched 4 years ago and has gathered steady momentum, expanding beyond its initial European

Governments and industry share a target for aviation to achieve CNG2020. There is also a common understanding that this

The conference concluded with an important panel focusing on the ICAO discussions on market-based measured for aviation – a key

Visa facilitation, taxation, the modernization of aviation regulations and the development of convergent rules for traveller and enterprise protection were

ICAO has identified three options: carbon offsetting, carbon offsetting with a revenue-generating component, and a full global emissions trading scheme.<br

CAEP recommended adoption of a new aircraft noise certification standard that would reduce the noise from new type design aircraft

The ICAO Committee on Aviation Environmental Protection comprising ICAO member states, industry, and environmental non-governmental organizations, reviewed technological feasibility, environmental

ICAO figures show an average rate of compliance with their regulations of around 60% whilst national aviation safety regulator manning
