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As a leading select service hotel group in China, Shanghai Jin Jiang International Hotels Development Co. Ltd., of which Jin

The project includes multiple surveillance and access control technologies, integrated by Fortis4G - an advanced PSIM (Physical Security Information Management)

MTN innovation delivers advanced communications capabilities that exceed passenger and crew needs.

For the second year running Kansai In-Flight Catering Co., Ltd. at Osaka Kansai International Airport (KIX) received the highest honors,

In partnering with Topaz, Shimon Avish Consulting will help clients manage risk in six key areas.

Pick-pocket proof pants, a travel wear brand created by Clothing Arts, Ltd., recently prevented four would-be thefts in Rome.

Air Lituanica will deploy the aircraft on its planned routes between Vilnius and Brussels, Amsterdam, Berlin, Prague, Munich and Moscow.<br

Eurasia Resorts International, Ltd. and Global Financial Trust, Ltd. announces a new mega resort project for Las Vegas, Nevada.
