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Statistics & Trends

A high interest in leisure travel and a solid return to business travel bodes well for this fall travel season,

Slovenia has much to expect in the area of tourism, as the number of foreign tourists visiting Slovenia so far

Benchmark Hospitality International, which manages 25 award-winning resorts, hotels and conference centers in the United States, Canada and Japan, has

An innovative new workshop will be touring the UK this October bringing expert guidance to consultants in the tourism industry

Travelers` use of the Internet to plan and book their trips continues to grow, albeit at a slower pace

In August, BAA`s UK airports achieved 3.7% growth on last year despite BA`s operational problems

A new report published by The Center for Hospitality Research at Cornell is challenging executives to

Hotel performance is booming in Thailand, both in resort areas like Phuket and in the capital, Bangkok

Following the release of the HotelBenchmark Annual Profitability Survey by Deloitte earlier this year

Hotel performance is booming in Thailand, both in resort areas like Phuket and in the capital, Bangkok
