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Africa Hotel Investment Forum

The participants in the meeting included senior executives from several global hotel chains, a number of major hotel investors and

Addis Ababa is an appealing destination for commercial reasons. The city has a shortage of internationally-branded hotel rooms (fewer than

African markets are progressively being seen as open for business and regardless of perceptions of eminent risk, the continent is

As the two-day conference will take place in Ethiopia for the first time, it allows international investors to take a

AHIF was due to take place in Nairobi but a surge in interest from sponsors wanting to use the event

AHIF 2013 was attended by 400 delegates from 20 countries, including government ministers from four African nations, The President and

Wildlife is the reason why tourists come to Africa. As each herd is decimated, so too is the potential employment

Many delegates have already arrived in Nairobi for AHIF and there have been very few cancellations. According to WTTC, Travel

The business was founded in 2011 with the business strategy of investing 315m. euros. The top executive team’s experience includes

Research just released by W Hospitality Group, a founding member of Hotel Partners Africa (HPA), reveals that there are 40,000
