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MICE Industry

A delegation from the Italian Convention Organisers Association recently visited Thessaloniki

Conference specialists Heliotopos has released a new brochure on Santorini and the advantages

The idyllic location of Milos in the Cyclades is now home to Greece`s newest convention centre

The Thessaloniki Convention & Visitors Bureau, TCVB has released a 12-page brochure listing information on

Athens largest conference venue, the ballroom at the Athenaeum InterContinental hotel, is undergoing an extensive overhaul worth 950 million drachmas

Britons and Germans appear to be expressing interest in Kos beyond its appeal as a holiday destination as word spreads

The newly-formed Thessaloniki Convention & Visitors Bureau (TCVB) will make its international debut at the

The Aldemar Hotel group intends opening a convention centre next year at

Thessaloniki - The state tourism body and local authorities were conspicuous by their absence at the recent launch of the

Thessaloniki is expecting a rise in tourism traffic this year based on
