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Statistics & Trends

April showered good news on the UK hotel industry with double digit increases in rooms yield across the board, according

PricewaterhouseCoopers forecast for the US Lodging Industry is for record demand of an average of 3.21 million occupied room nights

Consumers clearly know that prices in general, and travel prices in particular, are rising

Amid higher oil prices and continuing industry pricing pressures, airline equities remain a difficult place for investors to make money,

China`s Macao Special Administrative Region predicts a 20-million tourist stream this year, local media reported on Wednesday

Visitor arrivals from the UK to South Korea for the first three months of 2005 were up 14%

The latest data on international tourist arrivals to the various destinations in the world collected by the World Tourism Organization

Despite rising prices, Americans will be traveling in record numbers this summer with Florida, California, Nevada and New York the

Building on the travel recovery that began last year, a relatively healthy economy, and a favorable exchange rate, Americans and

China`s Macao Special Administrative Region recorded 4.45 million visitor arrivals in the first quarter, an increase of 18.8 percent from
