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MMGY Global

100% of report profits to be granted to study collaborator and diversity in travel advocate, travel unity.

MMGY Global hires 25-year industry expert to lead UK-based research operation.

MMGY Global was chosen to lead the recovery marketing efforts in part because it possesses a deep understanding of COVID-19

2021 Travel Industry Forecast From MMGY Global.

Vaccine news and rising COVID-19 infection rates having minor impact on long- and short-term travel intentions and perceptions of how

The “Vacay Layaway” program provided immediate funds to hotels during an unprecedented time, while rewarding the tireless efforts of healthcare

For the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic began, the Domestic Travel Safety Barometer score rose above 50, indicating travelers

Positive perceptions of lodging safety, car travel and business travel are also at their highest since the start of the

Americans’ confidence in the safety of domestic flights increased, as did positive perceptions of hotels, which may be due to

The consumer-centric campaign is delivered through targeted media where consumers are currently spending increased time, including connected TV, video and
