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Statistics & Trends

Luxury prices around the world increased by an average of 3.1% in 2023, with Manila (26%) leading the rankings and

The survey, which achieved a response rate of over 50%, has been instrumental in capturing the collective voice of ABPCO’s

Through their tailored hosting solutions, commitment to security and performance, and unparalleled customer support, MGT-Commerce empowers Magento store owners to

In January 2024, O‘ahu had the largest vacation rental supply at 209,200 available unit nights (+11.6% vs. 2023, -19.5% vs.

For the first time, there were no hull losses or fatal accidents involving passenger jet aircraft in 2023.

For the period of the Olympic Games in 2024, flight bookings, not just searches, to Paris are up 125% compared

Μost international Asian routes, with the exception of those serving South West Asia, continue to have substantially lower levels of

SilverDoor Shares First Accommodation Market Quarterly Update for 2024 

The growing popularity of air travel in all countries remains the key factor for the growth and development of aircraft

A total of around 12.1 million visitors (+16%) and around 30 million overnight stays (+12%) in hotels.
