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ACI Europe

While the Directive is essentially based on the assumption that airports are natural monopolists and that their charges need to

Regional airports’ growth has significantly underperformed the industry average – with passenger traffic growing by just +3.4% between 2008 and

For the month of March, European passenger traffic was up +2.5% compared with March 2013, while freight increased +6.0% and

In Europe, the last months have seen the first time accreditations of Venice Airport, Treviso Airport, Naples Airport and Groningen

Following a 10 years policy paralysis during which airport charges were essentially frozen to artificially protect the former national airline,

At non-EU airports, passenger traffic grew by +9.6%, with Iceland, Turkey, Ukraine, Moldova and Israel growing well above this average.

The new ACI Europe analysis paper builds on these commonalities with the objective of moving the debate on airport competition

EU airports showed an increase averaging +4.6% in passenger traffic, with those national markets most affected by the sovereign debt

The issue of State Aid is a difficult one, in this context. It is essentially a balancing act between limiting

While the overall air traffic between Europe and ASEAN countries has grown significantly over the past 15 years, an increasing
