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Frankfurt Airport

Frankfurt Airport and Fraport’s Group airports worldwide see substantial year-on-year decline in passenger traffic – June shows slight improvement from

Traffic forecasts expect a continued rise in take-offs and landings. Runway 18 West will remain closed for the time being.

Frankfurt Airport has enabled worry-free travel. Wide range of measures to protect passengers and personnel from infection.

European holiday destinations increase following the cancellation of travel warnings – Long-haul flights back in the program – FRA offers

Company maintains climate protection targets despite coronavirus crisis. Wind power alone to propel green electricity share to around 85 percent

Before beginning their trips, passengers should also inquire about the current immigration and coronavirus mitigation rules in the countries they

Range of routes extended, especially to major European cities / Frankfurt Airport implements extensive anti-infection measures so flights can resume

Frankfurt Airport and the Group’s airports worldwide report a substantial decrease in passenger traffic. Frankfurt leads Europe in flight connections.

The rule of “safety first” also applies on the ground: air travel while complying with all hygiene prescriptions is feasible.

Coronavirus outbreak impacting passenger and freight volumes – Airports in Fraport’s international portfolio report mixed results.
