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One of the significant developments this year is the collaboration between SIP and the Hospitality & Tourism Management (HTM) programme.

Mr. Bartlett related that his vision was “to make tourism inclusive and the driver of the economy of Jamaica, but

Jamaica's Tourism Minister Bartlett noted that “Dubai Ports, one of the largest in the world with enormous capacity, is looking

The discussions centred around air connectivity; training and development; marketing and promotional activities; cultural exchange; tourism diversification and growth and

"The Agri-Linkages Exchange project continues to be beneficial to the 1,200 farmers and 247 buyers who are registered on the

Digital Travel Declaration will allow travelers to submit all travel and health documentation required for entry into Jamaica through a

The agreement came out of talks on August 31 between Minister Bartlett and Chief Executive Officer of the Kenyatta International

A delegation of over 70 private sector players and government officials from Saudi Arabia will arrive in Jamaica.

The upgrades include the establishment of a bamboo nursery; planting of 400 bamboo plants; infrastructural repairs; procurement of tools and

Coming out of a retreat hosted by the Ministry in Montego Bay on the weekend to examine the recently tabled
