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Ways to save money and enjoy the ultimate snowboarding/ski holiday vacation

Before going any further, you’ll need to create a list of everything you’ll need and the price tags that go along with the items on your list.

You can practically feel the freshly packed snow under your board or skis and can't wait to finally get out there and show off your skills. However, before you can actually experience it, you have to have the money. Thankfully, with a little restraint on your part, you can save up and hit the slopes in grand fashion.

Make the list 
Before going any further, you'll need to create a list of everything you'll need and the price tags that go along with the items on your list. Since it's an estimate of your expenses, it's always best to round up versus down. This way if you snag a deal, you'll have money in reserves to spend on something else. Make sure to include your airline tickets, lodging, lift ticket, lessons perhaps, equipment rental and of course food. You will also need plenty of layers of clothing, which you can remove as needed, should the sun warm things up.

Booking earlier versus later 
The sooner you select a location for your trip and book it, the less it will cost. Keep in mind that you are likely going on vacation during (generally) the most expensive time of the year–the holidays–so the price will likely be inflated and you may want to consider changing the date to just a few weeks after the New Year. The good news is that there are plenty of resorts that are budget-friendly without compromising on thrills. Decide ahead of time what you want to do. Are you a seasoned vet, or is this your first time boarding on the slopes? If it's the latter, you'll need a couple of lessons first, even if only for a few hours to learn the basics, like how to stop. These things will make a difference in the cost of your trip as a whole. 

Using a credit card
You'll need to book early to save money and make certain that you get the flight you need. However, if you don't have the money lying around, you'll need to either borrow the airline/resort money or use a credit card to secure it. Make sure to use a credit card that provides perks such as airline miles, or cashback rewards. This way you'll get a little something back too. Additionally, a great way to avoid interest is to apply for a credit card that offers balance transfers interest-free for up to a year. This makes it easier to pay off your balances which means you’ll have an easier time saving up for next year’s trip. 

Start a savings 
Now that you have the location and the pricing figured out, it's time to open a savings account designed specifically for your holiday trip. Any extra money you make goes directly into the fund. You will also use this to store that you don't spend, based on your cost-cutting. 

Ways to save money 
You have a lot of time to come up with the money you need, and that's a good thing. In order to meet your goals, you'll need to cut back on frivolous spending. For instance, if you buy your lunch at work daily, start brown-bagging it. And, if you enjoy Friday nights out with the guys, find things to do with a small out-of-pocket expense. You'll be amazed at the amount of money you can save if you try. 

Packing up 
Since your trip is away from home and around the holidays, make sure to handle any last-minute gifts before heading to the airport. If you don't have the time, don't fret, you can always send Christmas ecards from your computer and attach a note that you'll bring home gifts from your trip. 

Planning a snowboarding/skiing trip is easy if you figure out the costs, book the resort and airline early, and refrain from frivolous spending before you leave.

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