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HomeEducation (Page 22)


Luxury travel auctions website Black Platinum Gold has recently developed an exclusive marketing course for the luxury hospitality industry.

ISO 31030 Travel Risk Management is a new standard that will provide guidance on how to manage the risks to

The move from home to your student housing in London is significant. When you move into halls or off-campus living,

The program builds on the two organizations’ existing partnership, which began in 2019, and is designed to accelerate the trajectory

University and college are great experiences. They are even better if we combine them with our favorite hobbies and activities.

There are too many destinations to choose from. So, it makes sense to look at the destinations most Thai students

Vital industry initiative aims to support hospitality undergraduates’ and graduates’ professional growth, harness entrepreneurial skills and directly connect them with

To help such students out and to make sure the young minds don't wander away from their previous lives of

After 33 physical editions dedicated to the newcomers in the Industry, ECM Summer School adapted last year to established professionals

WTTC and Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health have a long history of collaboration, working towards a more sustainable
