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Hikers: these are the must-have accessories for a hiking vacation

Here are four essential accessories that will make your next long walk or hike more comfortable and enjoyable.

Long walks and treks in nature are a great way to explore the outdoors. Whether you’re a seasoned hiker or just starting out, the right gear is essential for an enjoyable and safe trip. Here are four essential accessories that will make your next long walk or hike more comfortable and enjoyable:

1. Walking sticks
Walking sticks can be invaluable on long hikes, as they provide extra stability when navigating rough terrain or crossing slippery streams. They can also help reduce stress on your joints by taking some of your body weight off your joints when descending or climbing steep hills. When choosing hiking poles, choose ones that are light but strong enough to support your weight without bending or breaking quickly.

2. Hydration pack
Staying hydrated is essential while hiking long distances because dehydration can lead to fatigue, muscle cramps, headaches, nausea, dizziness, and confusion. A hydration pack provides easy access to water throughout the day without having to stop every time you need water. Look for backpacks with adjustable straps, so you can adjust them to fit your body perfectly, while still having plenty of room for other items such as snacks or extra layers of clothing.

3. Your wallet
Everywhere you go, it is necessary to take at least some money and your identity card with you. Not only to buy some warm tea at a local bar to warm up during your hike, but also in case you get hurt or lost. It might even be handy to take a wallet that stands out, such as a pink wallet or a yellow one. In case you lose it, it will be way more visible than a brown or black wallet.

4. Sunscreen
If you spend extended periods of time in direct sunlight, you can burn over time, damage your skin and age prematurely if you don’t protect yourself properly with sunscreen with SPF30 or higher. Therefore, apply a generous layer of sunscreen – even on cloudy days, as UV rays can still penetrate clouds; reapply every two hours for maximum protection throughout the day.

Having the right gear on hand before embarking on a long hike ensures a safe and enjoyable experience. The four essential accessories discussed above will help you stay comfortable and safe during longer treks. In addition, don’t forget to keep a charged phone with you for emergencies and some nutritious snacks for the road. On you go!
