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International Air Transport Association

Air accident investigations is a key area for aviation where greater cooperation on global standards is needed, while increased dialogue between regulators

February international passenger demand rose 5.8% compared to February 2016, which was down compared to the 9.1% yearly increase recorded

IATA and Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) Secretariat sign MoU to enhance aviation and border security.

In some countries there has been a focus on the role of alcohol as a trigger for disruptive behavior. Airlines

IATA member airlines passed resolutions at their Annual General Meeting (AGM) in 2013 and again in 2016, calling on governments

ICAO 39th Assembly will focus heavily on finding agreement between governments to develop a carbon offsetting and reduction scheme for

June international passenger demand rose 5.0% compared to June 2015. All regions recorded growth, led by airlines in Latin America.

Since 1963 EUROCAE has developed performance specifications to facilitate the standardization of aviation technologies. It is a non-profit international organization

March performance shows a moderate slowdown on the year-on-year growth rates recorded in January (7.2%) and February (8.6%) even after

The conference will bring together global stakeholders to address a host of emerging operational issues including overflight of conflict zones,
