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HomeAviation (Page 3270)


Olympic Airways registered a jump in bookings for its Olympic Club class seats in February compared to

Transport Minister Tassos Mandelis and Civil Aviation Authority director Mr Georgarakis recently took European civil aviation officials on a

Olympic Airways has revised a decision to cancel its direct Athens-Melbourne route following talks with government officials from the

Turkish Airlines will provide an air link between Istanbul and Thessaloniki starting

Hellenic Duty-Free experienced a 15 percent drop in sales turnover and a decrease of 28.7 percent in pre-tax profits last

Greece has launched an effort to bring back into operation Axis 10 - the shortest land link to Europe

Corfu travel agents have registered their concerns over Olympic Airways` decision to cancel 10 routes which

International carriers have threatened they will not relocate from the international airport in Hellenikon to the new Spata airport

Olympic Airways manager Rod Lynch`s proposals to alter the company`s familiar six-ringed emblem carry many risks

The names of the three firms to be responsible for ground handling at the new international airport in Spata will
