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Special Features

Revealed: the most popular Instagram poses around the world (and the ones we find the most irritating)

Assessing the riskiness of adventure for each country can be subjective; what looks adventurous to some may be child’s play

Cruising no longer is just the fastest growing part of the vacation industry. It is now one of the hottest

Business travelers lose more than a full night’s sleep on week long trips.

The Caribbean earned the top spot as the most Instagrammed cruise destination, followed by the Bahamas and Florida

Travel companies are adapting to the changing preferences of their customers. As the pace of marketing innovation continues to accelerate,

The seat belt buckle is the most dangerous surface – 91% of its bacteria can cause an infection.

There’s a RTW trip for just about everyone: adventurers, romantics, first-time travelers, and those who prefer learning over lounging. Accordingly,

The launch of the Measuring Sustainable Tourism last June in the Philippines, the adoption by Members States during the Chengdu

IATA CEO Alexandre de Juniac reflects on the nature of air travel over the holiday season
