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HomeSudheer Thakur

Sudheer Thakur

CEO HelloShift

Sudheer Thakur is the founder and CEO of HelloShift. He has 10+ years experience in the hospitality industry. Sudheer began HelloShift with the vision to bring modern messaging to hotels. HelloShift is an integrated messaging platform for hotel teams, managers, guests, and website visitors. Prior to HelloShift, Sudheer worked for Oracle and was the founding member of a number of Silicon Valley startups. Hoteliers named HelloShift the #1 Staff Collaboration software in the 2018 HotelTechAwards.

As text messaging and chat become the communication channels of choice for consumers, more hotels are adapting to the trend

Unlike chatbots, which are computer-operated, chat widgets are operated by real people. But there is no need for dedicated employees. Conversations
