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The reasons why compression socks are perfect for traveling

Compression socks can help to drastically reduce a traveler’s risk of blood clots, which is especially important for those with a history of thrombosis. Compression socks are also helpful in preventing swollen feet and varicose veins that often happen as the result of sitting or standing too long without being able to move around.


It’s often unavoidable to fly during international travel.  Sitting for long periods of time can cause swollen feet and varicose veins, which are a nuisance but not usually serious.  However, blood clots in the legs are a more serious issue that can be caused by sitting for extended periods of time. Compression socks help fight against this problem by reducing swelling and providing support around the calf muscle groups. These socks also reduce the risk of blood clots because they provide compression from ankle to knee, aiding circulation while flying or sitting for long periods of time. The best part about these amazing little accessories? They're discreet and easy to bring with you on any trip!

What are compression socks and what do they do for you?
Compression socks are tight-fitting leg garments that help reduce the swelling of your feet and legs. Traveling is known to have the same effect on the legs, as it can be difficult for most people to move around during long flights or layovers. Using compression socks can be an easy way to combat the physical effects of extended periods of sitting.

These socks put pressure on your ankles and feet, which allows the body to circulate blood more efficiently. The blood flows in the direction of less resistance, so it goes back up through the legs to the heart. When you take off your compression socks after a long flight or car ride, your feet and ankles should not be swollen.

Why are compression socks so important for those who have a history of blood clots?
Compression shirts, stockings, and socks all prevent the formation of blood clots by exerting pressure on the body's surface veins to improve circulation. People who have a family history or genetic predisposition to blood clots, such as those with Factor V Leiden (a genetic mutation that affects one of the clotting factors), should be especially mindful of their past medical history includes thrombosis. 

Traveling is often unavoidable for business people and professionals who have many meetings scheduled in different cities around the world, and if they have a medical history that includes blood clots, it means they are at risk for more than the average person is. Compression socks can help to drastically reduce that risk, but even if they don't have any preexisting conditions, they will provide much-needed comfort in the situations where we are standing or sitting in one place for a prolonged period of time.

How can compression socks help with swollen feet, varicose veins, and blood clots?
Compression socks are extremely helpful in preventing swollen feet. Our lower extremities often suffer the consequences of long trips because we sit for extended periods of time or travel by car before flying. This is almost unavoidable when traveling abroad, but there is something we can do to combat these issues! Compression socks can help prevent varicose veins and assist with reducing blood clots. This is because these socks regulate blood flow and take pressure off the veins, which in turn reduces swelling in your feet.

Compression socks are often made with materials such as nylon or spandex so that they can stretch out but keep their shape. They should be tight enough to offer the benefits of compression but still, be comfortable. Compression socks are one of the best ways to combat swollen feet and varicose veins during travel. You can even use them at home, especially if you have a standing desk, which causes the same issues as long car rides or flights!

Why should you wear these socks while traveling?
These socks can provide compression to your legs, which helps with blood flow and circulation. People who travel often should consider wearing these socks if they have a history of poor blood flow, such as those who sit for long periods of time at work or those who stand for too long without resting their feet. The best part about wearing compression socks? You can put them on even when you have shoes on! They are made to stay in place while you walk, which means your feet won't look too bulky with these socks.

What kind of compression socks should I get?
There are many different brands to choose from that specialize in compression socks for travelers. You should find a brand that offers you the benefits of compression without putting too much pressure on your feet or ankles. If you are looking for ones that have graduated compression, check out this Australian store and their selection of compression garments. Graduated compression means that they are tighter where it counts most, at the ankles and foot, but taper off as it moves up the leg. This is important because your legs are not all exactly the same size, so each sock needs to work individually. Getting the perfect pair of compression socks means you will be comfortable while wearing them. That said, they should not feel like you are walking with balloons on your feet! 

Photo by Orna Wachman from Pixabay

Compression socks can help to drastically reduce a traveler’s risk of blood clots, which is especially important for those with a history of thrombosis. Compression socks are also helpful in preventing swollen feet and varicose veins that often happen as the result of sitting or standing too long without being able to move around. If you have had past bouts with these issues, it might be time to invest in some quality compression socks so that they don't affect your life during future trips! The best part about compression socks? They're discreet and easy to bring with you on any trip!

Main photo by Jan Vašek from Pixabay

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