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The continual rise of the digital nomad

As The Great Resignation continues, so does digital nomadism continue to grow.

Lockdown blues
There were definitely digital nomads long before COVID arrived on the scene. At first, however, it was often those people making their way around the world as influencers. They would gently persuade people on what was cool via their Instagram accounts and other social media platforms.

Only when the real lockdown arrived did out-the-box thinking become the norm. But then, many other people started realizing just how far you could push the boundaries of being a digital nomad

Working from the beach soon became the most effortless thing between surf sessions as a writer or content creator. We're not talking Tweet-shaped content but long-form writing for various outlets and platforms. The lockdown kept so many people away from the real world, so they turned to their screens, and media owners started needing more and more content. Those who could get to the beach and go surfing provided a wonderful vicarious outlet. 

As surfers, we travel a lot. This year we have experienced an enormous increase in the number of digital nomads we meet abroad.

The COVID-pandemic forced people to work from home, but what started as a plague became an opportunity for many; as they realized their job could be done remotely.

I think the event of COVID-19 shifted a lot of people's perspectives on their regular 9-5 and made them wish for a better work-life balance.

– Martin, Surfers Hype Magazine

Technology now
There was technology for every aspect of a nomad's needs, from basic writing apps to delivery apps and free image banks to supplement anything. Before long, it became clear that a lot could be done at the beach. It didn't have to be writing or photography. As two examples, one could do some coding between surf sessions, another run an online recruitment business. Others started drop-shipping companies from their laptop, and some found success with starting a blog. All while traveling in boardshorts and bikinis while spending their time carefully. As mentioned in the leading surf magazine, Stab. About 4,8 million Americans already consider themselves digital nomads.

Gig culture
But what if your line of work or skill set is not easy to do online while on the road? Enter gig culture from stage left. Apps like Fiverr and Upwork are gig platforms that allow you to list your skills online, so that companies are able to find you and hire you on a freelance basis. 

For example, the amount of work available on Fiverr is stupendous. While it is generally below-average wages, it is incredibly convenient to pick up a job anywhere in the world and bash it out for dollars. Upwork offers way better rates, but it is tough to get registered as they are so full and busy.  

These online platforms have made it extremely easy for people to start a freelance business online, where their skill set can help earn a living as a digital nomad. 

Adapt or die
The big tech saw the Future and opened up the gates for digital nomads. When the then-CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, noticed that performance levels remained high from remote workers, he decided to let anyone work from home. According to the article in Forbes Magazine, this was to stay even when offices were open again after the lockdown. 

The article does go on to note that one of the key elements to working remotely is that the worker has to engage more. Working in an office guarantees engagement, but working on an iPhone screen means that engagement needs to be worked on. It's effortless to hide away for days, but it won't lead to a successful nomad career. It requires structure and a proactive mindset to balance this lifestyle with constant change and temptations.

Companies are starting to see the benefit of using a remote workforce. It allows them to stay flexible, scale faster, find specific expertise, and lower their office- and employee costs. 

Deadlines and discipline
However, there are vicious temptations for the digital nomad that they will need to overcome to be successful at the job. Deadlines are the most crucial part of the digital nomad lifestyle because missing a deadline simply means not getting paid. The problem is that being digital, deadlines are based on different timelines worldwide. So there might be an urgent deadline on Friday night at 10 o'clock, just as the parties kick off. Otherwise, it might be Tuesday morning at 11 am, just as a fresh south swell pulls in. Those are some tough decisions that will see you emerge as a bona fide nomad or not.  

Besides deadlines, discipline can become another big challenge for anyone embarking on a digital nomad journey. The digital nomad lifestyle can easily come off as perfect. However, this image is far from reality, as the lifestyle can be very stressful.

In the beginning stages, you will need a lot of discipline to override daily adventures and focus on work. It is a continuous hustle to make a living as a digital nomad, and you need to be calm in an ever-changing environment, where routines can be hard to balance. 

With all that said, those who find their way will definitely enjoy the freedom that comes with the lifestyle. 

The future’s so bright 
The most important thing that every person embarking on a digital nomad lifestyle needs to know is building skills for the Future. Even just a few tricks for working remotely can hold you in good stead going forward and help you to understand the online culture. In addition, it makes you independent, allowing you to earn a living by being adaptive and resilient. In the big game of life, you offer your time in return for money. Being a digital nomad means that you waste very little time off your own by being where you want to be. 

In a world that just seems to be getting faster and faster, with outside pressure bearing down at us, it's nice to know that there is an option to work on the road. It might not pay the best and be challenging at times, but it does leave you with your freedom.

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