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HomeNoelani Schroy

Noelani Schroy

Noelani Schroy is a prominent leader in the hospitality industry, currently serving as the Vice President of Commercial Strategies at LodgIQ, the commercial strategy platform for hotels. As a former hotelier, Noelani's deep understanding of sales, marketing, and the intricacies of technology integration renders her an invaluable contributor to any commercial strategy role within the hospitality sector. With a strong background in sales, marketing, and technology, Noelani has excelled as Senior Director of Sales at Tambourine and as the Business Development Manager at Siteminder, where she played a crucial role in developing digital solutions and strengthening market positions. Her expertise makes her a pivotal figure in shaping commercial strategies in the hospitality sector.

By combining the insights gained from a commercial strategy platform with effective leadership, hotels can unlock their full commercial potential.
