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Five ways the travel and tourism industry should be using digital signage

The great thing about running your own digital signs is that you can experiment with what you say.

Thanks to the low cost of digital signs, especially compared to previous years, and thanks to things like Apple TV digital signage software, it is now easy for tourist agencies, travel agencies and travel companies to use digital signs. Here are five ways these companies could use digital signs.

1. Drawing people into the agency
It takes a fair amount of promotional expertise but getting people into your business locations with videos on digital signs is far easier than trying to get them into the place with posters and brochures. You can actually show people where they are going, where they may be staying, and you can show them a price. It is like having your own online adverts that run non-stop in your store window.

The great thing about running your own digital signs is that you can experiment with what you say. You can test different ideas, test different videos and try out new and experimental things to see what works. If something is very successful, you may like to port it over to your online campaigns.

2. Educate people on your brand principles
If you wish to stand out as a travel company and/or stand out in the travel industry, then you need strong brand principles. Usually, they revolve around trust, consistency, or aftercare. Whatever your brand principles are, you can promote them with your digital signs. What's more, you can integrate your brand teachings into the videos, adverts and PowerPoint demonstrations that are already running on your digital signs.

3. Live updates on deals
We have all seen those websites where they promise you a stupidly low deal because of cancellations and last minute booking. The hard part for tourist agencies is getting people onto those websites. When companies have digital signs in their buildings, even passersby can see the great deals and buy on an impulse. Even bargain hunters can check out the signs and get a good deal. 

It is difficult to target the consumer in such a competitive industry, but if somebody walks into a travel agency, they are pretty-much targeted. Unless they are delivering the mail, then you know they are probably looking for a way to fly, place to stay, or some sort of vacation. Even if they are not looking for a discount trip or cut-priced event, they are still susceptible to the offers, discounts and sales you put up on your digital signs.

4. Getting paid by sponsors
If supermarkets are getting paid sponsor money by candy bar creators to determine where their candy bars are placed on shelves, then it isn't much of a stretch to imagine tourist spots and events would pay travel companies to cross promote their stuff.

If you are a travel agency near an attraction, then getting sponsors for videos from those places (like theme parks, night clubs, etc.) shouldn't be too difficult to secure. Otherwise, there is a world full of tourist spots with companies that may be willing to pay for a slot on your digital sign.

5. Selling additional and up-sell promotions
There are plenty of varieties of travel insurance, possessions insurance, and up-sells you can promote using your digital signs. This is all the easier if you run a business where people are standing around or waiting for things in your location. Even listing the selling points of each package/service may be enough to help make the sale. The potential customer may not run to your counter and ask for a certain type of travel insurance, but when you bring it up later after the deal is nearly done, they will be more amenable to listen to your offer because they already have a vague idea of what you are talking about.

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