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To provide professionals in the hospitality industry with the opportunity to prominently showcase and market their talents and expertise, the

The tourism industry in the Western Cape simply cannot afford to ignore a market that currently numbers about two million

The Director General of Dubai Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (DTCM) Mr. Khalid A bin Sulayem met with the

Ms. Fani Petralia the Greek Minister of Tourism Development has suspended the operating license of the Louis Corcyra Beach Hotel

Google search engine surfers in the US, Britain and Germany seeking tourism options in Israel will be directed to sponsored

A delegation of 40 inbound tour operators from Australia’s leading agencies arrived in Cairns to participate in a revised and

The World Travel & Tourism Council has appointed Geoffrey Kent, Chairman & CEO, Abercrombie & Kent as Chairman of WTTC.

With Congress poised to consider FAA reauthorization legislation next year, U.S. Secretary of Transportation Mary E. Peters said she will

The Dubai Department of Tourism and Commerce Marketing (DTCM) has issued the 16th edition of its annual tourism manual -

Isaac Herzog, Israel`s Tourism Minister, has requested $150 million from the government to promote tourism to the country over the
