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Tips on staying fit & healthy while you travel

We’ve put together a list of easy-to-follow tips to assist you in doing that. So, let’s get started.

Your vacation is the time for you to have fun, but that does not mean your health should suffer. For many people, Workouts, training routines, healthy eating, and sleeping patterns are all abandoned as you embrace your new mantra of "All's good, I'm traveling!"

And we get it. But it doesn't have to be an either-or situation. You can travel while staying in shape. You can travel while staying healthy! We've put together a list of easy-to-follow tips to assist you in doing that. So, let's get started!

Walk or cycle to places
Walking to places is a great way to live like a local. While traveling, one of the best ways not to get out of shape is to walk to places. Walking not only helps you stay fit but also helps to save your money. You may have the option of renting vehicles or hiring a cab, but we recommend walking to you. 

If your travel destination is a relatively small place (like an island), you can rent a cycle and get your body moving. Cycling is a cheap, easy, and health-friendly mode of transport! Many times your hotel or resort offers bicycles for rent as well. Keep a lookout for such opportunities and stay on that fitness streak.

Avoid eating out much
It is very easy to eat junk food continuously for days when you travel. If you want to avoid such a situation, we recommend staying at properties with kitchens. Hostels are an excellent example of this. You can stay in hostels and prepare your meals in the communal kitchen. You'll be eating home-cooked food, which is much healthier than restaurant food. You can also microwave some simple foods (like eggs) in your hotel room and consume them as one of your daily meals.

Workout in your hotel room
Workout doesn't always have to be in a proper gym. Heck, you would not want to be cooped up in a gym on your trip! You can do a quick workout to ensure that you're staying fit. It can be beside your hotel bed or on the balcony! Squats, crunches, lunges, and push-ups are all simple exercises that can be done in your hotel room. If you decide to go this route, make sure you have your best pre-workout supplements on hand to ensure you can maximise your training results.

Transform airports into walking tracks
Rather than sitting (which you'll be doing plenty of on the plane), turn on your favorite music and march up and down the terminal. Although it isn't a full-fledged workout, every step counts. You can burn up to 100 calories in 15 minutes of brisk walking. Furthermore, all walking may keep you from becoming bored and wandering into the airport's pizza stand.

Carry your medicines 
Your medication should travel along with you, especially when on a particular medication. You do not want to visit doctors and medical shops on your travels, do you? This is why carry your medicines along and take them regularly. If your prescribed medication is not available at your destination, you may have to forego it. That, of course, is not good for your health.

Apart from specific medication, you should also carry general medicines for problems like headaches, vomits, or stomach infections. Keeping these medicines handy would mean instant relief for you. If you are easily prone to sensitive skin issues like sunburns, make sure to carry your sunscreen.

Keep yourself hydrated
Water is your best friend, and there is no denying that! It is recommended that we drink 3-4 liters of water per day, and it is crucial when traveling in hot climates. In case you are traveling to hot and humid places, make sure to keep drinking those electrolytes. 

This not only keeps your appetite in control and prevents overeating by preventing dehydration from being misinterpreted as hunger, but it also aids in the reduction of bloating and excessive water retention. A great way to stay hydrated is to pack a water bottle with you and refill it during the day to keep track of how much you've consumed. 

Dealing with that jetlag
Jet lag is the most unpleasant aspect of traveling, but it is unavoidable. Make sure you give yourself time to adjust to the jet lag, so you don't become exhausted. Do not try to avoid sleeping and cause harm to your body. Allow yourself a day or two to adjust to the new time zone so you can enjoy your vacation without feeling groggy!

If possible, begin acclimating to the time zone of your travel destination before you arrive. You can start exploring places right away this way.

Take it easy on the alcohol
Alcohol not only has a lot of empty calories, but it can also make you feel terrible the next day or even make you forget about your night! You'll need a vacation from your vacation if your entire trip is a booze fest. Have a glass or two of resveratrol-rich red wine, but leave the tequila shots at home.

Final words
Staying fit and healthy isn't as tricky as it looks. It is all about inculcating that habit of fitness. You do not have to do anything extra or significant. Simple things like walks, mindful eating, and choosing healthier alternatives are all that need to be done. Say yes to hikes and ocean swims. At least once a week, indulge in strength training, and make each adventure a fun workout. Eat whole foods as much as possible, avoid cheap calories as much as possible, and don't forget your supplements. Drink plenty of water and try your hardest because every effort counts. That's everything! 

Photo by JESHOOTS.COM on Unsplash

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