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Operto Guest Technologies

STAYmyway has also developed proprietary, patented hardware solutions that allow for old “offline” locks, to be upgraded to modern, BLE/Bluetooth-enabled

By partnering with Operto, Jetstream now provides keyless entry, noise monitoring, and energy management as part of its fully outsourced

Operto launches stand-alone Operto Guest and Operto Connect for full stay management.

Going green boosts hotel revenue: guests willing to pay up to 75% more to stay in an eco-friendly hotel.

The VRScheduler platform will continue to be developed alongside the Operto operating ecosystem, as a ‘sister’ brand, maintaining its existing

NoiseAware minimizes noise events, protects against property damage and prevents gaps in revenue and bookings with a solution that is

86% of hoteliers and short-term rental providers identify operations automation as a top priority - tech is leading hospitality recovery.

Through the partnership, property managers using Smoobu will be able to access Connect, Operto’s flagship software/hardware solution to deliver seamless,

Operto’s latest offering will further enhance guest comfort across the full array of accommodation types, from vacation homes to large

Rick Gay is a seasoned SaaS sales leader, with a background rooted in technology across a wide variety of industry
