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Palacongressi di Rimini

1,500 veterinarians and academics at the European congress on the topics of the care and assistance of companion animals, taking

A three-day opportunity for Italian professionals and their European counterparts to get together and share their knowledge, news and use

The conference has an average attendance of 400 operators from the four corners of the globe.

ICHC 2025 and IMEKO 2027 are announced. SWITCHMED set for November 2022 during Ecomondo and the FIM AWARDS in December.

400 scientists from all over the world will gather to debate on the organic substance of diverse ecosystems.

The Italian location fought off stiff competition from Lausanne and Gotenburg. Key partnerships with the Uinversities of Bologna and Padua

From 11 to 13 September, the GOI event originally planned for last April. From 13 to 16, an international conference

Covid 19 - The Meet the meeting event kinked off the new solution put forward by the Event & Conference

Over 70 events scheduled at the Web Marketing Festival (June 20-22).
