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Mobile transactions set to be the biggest driver of revenue in the next two years. In 2013, credit cards (96%),

"Rear Seat Kicker," "Aromatic Passenger," "Boozer" and "Chatty Cathy" round out top five; Seat-recliners held in low Regard, yet 80%

Buckingham Palace the top attraction for majority of tourists in study; A big night out in Newcastle and a Premier

Study shows travel accounts for nearly 40 percent of all ecommerce spending. Online content consumption is growing at a rapid

The report, "A New Breed of Traveller", says the impact of rising affluence, globalization and technology has led to modern

Americans given 14 days off and take 10, leave twice as many days unused as last year; French take all

Australia and Canada award Britain its highest rankings for ‘Welcome’; Germany’s perception of British sport jumps four places.

TripAdvisor study reveals the largest and fastest growing markets showing interest in UK accommodations and regions on world’s largest travel

The GDS is one of only two channels that travel agents are using more than in the past, with the

24-country study conducted by Harris Interactive examines "Future of Travel" by comparing business and leisure travel habits and preferences across
