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HomeAlexander Glück

Alexander Glück

Chief Executive Officer Loyalty Partner Solutions

Loyalty Partner Solutions GmbH was founded in 2008 as a spin out from Loyalty Partner GmbH and is a subsidiary of American Express. Alexander Glueck is its Chief Executive Officer. He started his career at Loyalty Partner in 2004. He held various positions in operations and IT and managed an executive department for several years. In 2008, Glück was appointed Head of Controlling, where he was ultimately responsible for, among other things, LPS and IT/project controlling at Loyalty Partner. In addition to his expertise in operations, IT and controlling, Alexander Glück has extensive experience in service delivery thanks to the time he spent as a team leader at T-Online International AG between 2000 and 2003.

The programme has to accompany the customer everywhere: as a customer I expect my loyalty programme to supply me with
