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How to keep from catching COVID-19 while traveling

This information should help you feel confident in your ability to stay healthy when traveling. There’s no guarantee of this happening, but you should do everything you can.

When the COVID-19 pandemic struck, many people were not prepared for the impact it would have on their travel plans. They were also unprepared for how much they would miss seeing the world. 

Fortunately, with the help of a vaccine and other safety measures, people are once again able to travel the world (for the most part). However, that doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re immune to becoming sick. 

Remember this: COVID-19 is just one of the many ailments that could strike you while you travel. There are several steps you can take to stay healthy when traveling, including but not limited to the following.

1. Know the vaccines you need
The Office of Infectious Disease provides all the information you need in regards to the required vaccines for visiting specific parts of the world. Once you know the vaccine requirements, consult with your medical team to ensure that you’re current. 

If you’re missing a vaccine that’s designed to keep you safe while traveling to a certain region, be sure that you get it before leaving home. There’s never a good time to take a risk with your health.

2. Wear a mask
Even if you’re vaccinated and are in good health, you should still wear a mask with the idea of protecting yourself against sickness. Once again, COVID isn’t the only thing you have to worry about. A mask can help prevent ailments as basic as the flu and common cold.

Tip: Take several masks with you on your trip, as you never know when you’ll lose one or one will become dirty or damaged. 

3. Don’t ignore symptoms
For example, if you believe that you have contracted COVID while traveling, you must seek immediate medical assistance. This will probably lead you to take a rapid COVID test, which quickly gives you a clear idea of what you’re up against.

If anything feels wrong — even a minor ailment — it’s best to stop what you are doing and determine the cause. This is much better than ignoring the symptoms and hoping for the best. Doing so will put both you and others at greater risk. 

4. Watch your diet
Let’s face it: It’s easy to eat poorly when you’re traveling. Just the same, you may be the type of person who enjoys consuming alcohol (maybe even more than you should). When you add this to a lack of water in your diet, you’re asking for trouble.

Take steps to ensure a healthy diet while you’re away from home. For example, make a list of places to eat in the area you’re visiting. This allows you to choose healthy destinations beforehand, which protects you against making a poor decision upon your arrival.

5. Exercise
Even though you may be seeking peace and relaxation on your trip, that doesn’t mean you have to forgo your exercise routine. It’s just as important to exercise while you’re traveling. Doing so will keep you feeling and looking your best.

As you plan your trip, think about how you’ll get enough exercise until you return home. This could lead you to book a hotel with a gym or seek out outdoor space that suits your needs. 

Talk to your doctor
Do you have concerns about staying healthy while traveling? If so, don’t hesitate to reach out to your primary care physician for guidance. They can answer your questions, provide advice, and talk to you about the risks to your health while traveling.

As always, it’s best to be proactive with your health. And that means keeping your medical team in the loop at all times.

Final thoughts
This information should help you feel confident in your ability to stay healthy when traveling. There’s no guarantee of this happening, but you should do everything you can.

There’s a lot to think about when it comes to your health and well-being, and that’s especially true when traveling. If nothing else, remember this — you don’t want to take any risk with your health when traveling. It’s not worth it.

Would you add any other tips or suggestions to the list above? What steps do you like to take to help make sure you stay healthy when you travel?

Photo by Victor He on Unsplash

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