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Business Travel

84% of corporate travel managers will target traveller behaviour to achieve savings; Communication key to compliance: but 44% have no

U.S. companies are becoming far more selective in authorizing business travel abroad as a result of global economic uncertainty and

As demand for independent hotels has grown and is predicted to grow further in the coming years, HRS has responded

SPG Pro celebrates one year anniversary with launch of richest group promotion in SPG history.

Millennials (18-34) use extended stay accommodations more than any other group, with 72 percent staying at one for international business

After signing its first partnership with Virgin America in September, Rocketrip sought out additional partnerships that focus on other areas

The study examined how travelers make bookings for business trips with a focus on hotel bookings revealing differences between types

Average annual investment on business vehicle programs was 0.52% of revenue, travel & expense programs was 0.89% of revenue,

Premium travel service now offers delivery to major international business hubs.

JSSI Business Aviation Index indicates flight hours approach pre-crisis levels. Q1 2008 marked this decade's highest recorded activity rate, and,
