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Global Business Travel Association

GBTA's European Conference will combine with VDR/s annual autumn meeting.

As cash strapped cities seek to reduce debt, the burden increasingly falls on business travelers.

"Congress should reject another ticket tax increase - on top of the 20 percent tax burden on an average $300

New RFP global format ensures greater accuracy and time savings.

GBTA has already been participating in dialogue with IATA during the past year about its Resolution 787 and NDC.

The business travel industry is among the first impacted by a shutdown. For example, the government’s inability to issue passports

Award for outstanding achievements in furthering business travel and meetings sustainability programmes.

Safety ranks highly along with balancing health and diet green practices emerge as important to travellers; Insight helps travel professionals

Brazil is expected to surpass South Korea, France and Italy in the business travel global rankings. Brazilian total business travel

Representing more than 20 countries will be buyers from organisations including Ikea, Continental, Siemens, Nestle, UBS and Rolls Royce who
