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Items to eat during pregnancy for a healthy baby and mom

If you are pregnant and do not eat fish, taking fish oil supplements is safe up to 3000 mg per day. Recommendations do not exceed 5g of Omega 3 fatty acids a day.

Eating well can provide your baby with the nutrients he/she needs for development and lowers the risk of catching certain illnesses such as high blood pressure.

What should i eat during my pregnancy

  • Eat veggies, fruits (bananas, strawberries, or cherries like you’d see at the slots in Casino NetBet), grains, lower-fat milk, cheese, and yogurt to get enough energy.
  • You should avoid foods that contain fat, salt and sugar or at least limit your intake.
  • Drink water to wash away your thirst

Should i take prenatal vitamins while pregnant
Yes, prenatal multivitamins are recommended because, during pregnancy, it can be difficult to meet dietary demands for folic acid and iron with just healthy eating.

  • Vitamin B is necessary for building new cells
  • The standard recommended intake for iron ranges from 16-20 milligrams. Speak to your doctor about the exact amount of iron you need.
  • Vitamin B12 

Your health care provider will help you find a good prenatal supplement.

How nutrition affects pregnancy
There are many nutrients that you and your baby need to be healthy. Some, like omega-3 fats, are especially important during pregnancy.

What folate is and how it helps with health
The B vitamin folic acid can help you produce new cells. The two forms of this vitamin are folic acid found in supplements and folate found in food. To meet your needs, take a prenatal vitamin every day.

  • Improve your diet with leafy greens
  • Make a vegetable stir-fry with broccoli, asparagus, okra and Brussels sprouts
  • You can eat beans and lentils more often, too. Try dishes such as chili, curries and dals
  • Eat edamame, sunflower seeds, or peanuts as a quick snack.

Iron is found in every cell of your body and is essential for them to be alive

In pregnancy, people's bodies produce an increased number of red blood cells. Iron supplements can help your growing baby form enough hemoglobin for the whole pregnancy. One way to get enough iron is by taking a prenatal multivitamin. Eating iron-rich foods during pregnancy will also contribute to getting enough dietary requirements for iron.

Choosing meat, poultry, fish and shellfish will help your body absorb heme iron.

Plant-based iron is less bioavailable in comparison to heme-iron. Beans, lentils and whole grains are excellent sources of non-heme iron, as well as fortified cereals, green vegetables, dried fruit, nuts, seeds and tofu. Drinking vitamin C with a meal containing non-heme iron will help your body absorb the iron better. Give these easy recipes a try:

  • Tomato-based pasta sauce with beans or lentils-
  • Cooking with pumpkin seeds, cashews or pine nuts
  • Bean tacos with tomatoes, spinach and red peppers

Calcium builds strong bones and teeth. It also aids with the development of the heart, nerves and muscles. If you don't get enough calcium in your diet or through supplements, it will be taken from your bones to provide for your baby's development. To meet your calcium needs during pregnancy:

For a healthy diet, you should consume two servings of milk and alternative products every day. One serving is equivalent to one glass of milk, one cup of yogurt, or one-half cup of quark.

Drink 250 ml (1 cup) of milk or just fortified soy beverage. Choose lower-fat options most often.

Aim for low-fat cheese that is about the size of two thumbs and eat less than one serving per day.

You can get benefits from active cultures in two cups of yogurt or kefir each day (An M.F or less is best).

Important things to consider before choosing a calcium-rich diet.
Foods are the best way to get your calcium. A food high in calcium can also provide other nutrients, which supplements do not have.

Essential oils
Omega-3 fats are important for a baby's eye and brain development. Omega-3 fats are found in a few sources such as fish or seafood. There is some plant source of omega-3 like nuts, seeds, or soy. To meet your omega-3 needs throughout pregnancy:

Eat fatty fish at least two times per week. A serving is about 2 ½ ounces (75g). Fatty fish have low mercury. They include salmon, mackerel, anchovies, sardines, herring, Arctic Char, and trout.

When fats are not an option, other food sources containing omega-3s should be considered to get your daily intake. Walnuts, ground flax seeds and flaxseed oil, and chia seeds can provide you with essential omega-3 fatty acids.

Some foods like eggs and cow's milk come prepackaged with omega-3s.

If you are pregnant and do not eat fish, taking fish oil supplements is safe up to 3000 mg per day.  Recommendations do not exceed 5g of Omega 3 fatty acids a day.

Photo by Alicia Petresc on Unsplash

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