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The preppers are ready: Why you should be too

Preppers get a bad rap because they are always preparing for the most unimaginable things like, let’s say, the end of the world. Well, it’s good to be prepared. You as well need to be prepared for things that could happen, and those that can make life very chaotic for you if they found you unprepared.

Preppers are the people who are always getting ready for the unknown. They tend to believe that dangers await them almost everywhere. To be on the safe side, they are always taking measures to make sure they are not affected by the inevitable. They are often viewed as conspiracy theorists who are eagerly waiting for the end of the world. On the contrary, they are just fond of taking caution. They are less affected by unexpected events since they strive to be ready for the unforeseen. It’s just about cushioning yourself from certain rare but probable risks, and it comes with numerous benefits. On this note, here are some of the reasons you need to be ready for the unknown, alongside why you should be prepping.

Usual life emergencies
Preppers get a bad rap because they are always preparing for the most unimaginable things like, let's say, the end of the world. Well, it's good to be prepared. You as well need to be prepared for things that could happen, and those that can make life very chaotic for you if they found you unprepared. For example, you fall sick and the treatment requires an amount way above your monthly income. You might be involved in an accident, and there is no one to compensate you. Your phone might slip and shatter or your business might be sued tomorrow. In line with a recent article about the prepping meaning by Tobyprep, this is where preparedness comes in handy. Well, these types of emergencies never knock on your door, but they are a constant threat to anyone.

Preppers are always ready for such emergencies. They believe in being ready before some things come to be. Apart from medical coverage, this is why you need to get insurance for important assets that you already have. That way, even when most unimaginable things happen, you are not left frustrated with no way out.

Natural disasters 
Natural disasters will never give a notice when they are about to happen. If you are lucky enough, you are going to get an alert a few minutes before a disaster strikes. But will this be enough to get you ready for whatever is coming? If you can't be a prepper, then at least adopt their mindset. You need to always make sure your home has at least two weeks' worth of supplies, just in case the unforeseen happens.

In case your home is one of the places that get to be affected by a natural disaster, do you have somewhere you can go to? If not, you need to always have an evacuation plan. Now, you might argue that your place has never been affected by anything of the sort. While this is true, do you know what tomorrow holds? None of us does. So, quit thinking that tomorrow will be as good as yesterday and today. Instead, try to be prepared for whatever nature throws your way.

You also need to know where all the shut-off points for electricity, water, or gas are in your home. This is because, in most emergencies, you will have to shut these off to minimize damage or enhance safety. Make sure that every person in your household can do that safely in case you are not around.

Preparing for invasions, crime, and assault 
Crimes are on the increase in almost every country around the globe. They range from criminal assaults to carjacking, riots, and even home invasions. Even if you have not been faced with anything like that before, it's great to know how to deal with them effectively. People are always looking for excuses to make trouble and cause unrest now and then. This leads to unwanted happenings that often endanger us or our loved ones, sometimes putting our property is at risk. Therefore, you and your family need to make sure you are prepared for such events.

Photo by klimkin from Pixabay

For instance, you could get yourself into training on how to handle a firearm and keep one safely in your home. If you have the time, enroll in a self-defense class, learn how to disarm an armed robber, and perhaps how to hold them until the police arrive. If need be, you can get a licensed firearm for self-protection, especially if home invasions are commonplace in your neighborhood. You can also add extra security to your house, so anybody trying to get to you has a rough time, giving you time to call the police or calling for help from neighbors.

Being ready for the worst-case scenario has nothing to do with being a sadist. You don’t need to be an extreme prepper to observe safety and caution. While most people might view preppers as weirdos, they are actually in the best position to handle unexpected events. The few pointers above should shed some light on why it helps to have a preppers mentality.

Main photo by zhong chen from Pixabay

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