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In Coventry the guest receives even less value in the hotels than in London and New York.

For 83% of those that took part in the survey as wide a selection as possible at breakfast time

The recognition as Website of the Year demonstrates that's innovative new services such as the voucher shop and the

Year after year has won the title for "Website of the Year” and this year they want to keep

Business travellers especially tend to upgrade their stay in a strange city more and more with the attractiveness of the

The hotels in the UK are not exactly the best examples amongst the guest evaluations. Switzerland with 8.46 and Austria

The international booking portal has analysed the critical comments of its customers since 2012. The result: poor service, lack

Overnight costs in London remain at the level of last year; The Crimean crisis has an influence on the hotel

In a comparison of European countries, Finland has shown itself to be the front runner when it comes to the

The vote took place across 36 European countries and used social media information as the judging criteria. The top 52
