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BARCELONA - EIBTM 2012 - REPORT: Germany leads Europe as a host of international association meetings. A study by the

BARCELONA - EIBTM 2012 - REPORT: EIBTM signs agreement to stay in Barcelona through to 2016. EIBTM 2013 will take

Be part of the world’s largest Global Hub for the meetings industry at the EIBTM opening today.

A taste of various dishes of Pacific destinations will be offered by Pacific World during EIBTM.

Delegates to enjoy 007-themed cocktails and giveaways when visiting VisitEngland's booth at EIBTM 2012.

EIBTM targets more than 100 corporate buyers through its networking session, which will be part of the Hosted Buyer Programme.

Air Charter Travel celebrates its 20 years of collaboration with reed Trael Exhibitions by providing its twentieth Hosted Buyer flight

EIBTM is set to deliver over 22 research sessions at this years show, which are dedicated to providing critical insight

Dedicated technology sessions in Gdansk and Belgrade attract over 150 meeting industry professionals. EIBTM 2012 will take place on 27th
