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Statistics & Trends

The Association of Cypriot Travel Agents (ACTA) and the Thessaloniki hoteliers union are working together to promote travel

WORLD TRAVEL MARKET, London - British travellers will show a preference for long-haul rather than European destinations - without the

In 1999 international tourism provided revenues of 931,7 million USD for the balance of payments of Bulgaria

Greece's large number of self-employed and the population's low level of participation in the workforce will keep the jobless rate

Greece's islands in the southern Aegean have Europe's highest ratio of hotel beds to citizens, according to a study carried

June 2000 results from over 620 airports worldwide show passenger traffic rising 7 percent and

Train and ferry operators this week reported a surge in bookings from British tourists travelling to France to escape the

International tourism grew faster in 1999 than originally reported at the start of 2000, the World Tourism Organisation (WTO) reports

The Brussels-based European Travel Commission (ETC) is currently developing a new platform for the exchange of Europe-wide tourism statistics, in

Passenger throughput in more than 600 airports worldwide rose 6%, cargo 8% and
